
Baking soda is useful for so many more things than just making your cakes and cooking food. Have you ever tried cleaning, deodorizing with baking soda or applying it on your body for additional benefits? , follow through this video to get guidance on how to apply this product for maximum benefit.

Baking soda is the common name for sodium bicarbonate, a processed natural salt that was originally made as a leavening agent for baking, but has since been adopted for a wide range of home uses. Because it is: non-toxic, inexpensive, it is a gentle abrasive or (non-scratching), again it is effervescent, odor neutralizer and reacts with dirt and grease to form a cleanser. Here are 10 baking soda tricks every woman should know.

1). Natural deodorant.

Baking soda has properties ideal to combat body odor no need for more expensive products, baking soda acts as a natural deodorant because it can eliminate the smell of sweat by making an odorless acidic Lightly pat baking soda under your arms to chill out body odor, Mix 1/8 teaspoon of baking soda and a small amount of water. Do not dissolve and make sure it’s a little rough. Rub it under your arms. And you are good to go.

2)  Hair growth.

Baking soda is an abrasive, that make your hair clean. Using baking soda will help in getting rid of extra dirt from skull and allow hair to grow long and strong.  You can equally Use baking soda to get rid of dirt on the scalp and hair strands. This will make it easier for the hair to grow long and strong. Just mix equal parts of water and baking soda and put the mixture in a squeeze bottle. Apply it unto the hair a scalp, and let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing.

3) Teeth Whitening.

You have probably already heard of a baking soda paste for teeth whitening purposes. Many toothpaste brands advertise baking soda as a primary ingredient.  The antibacterial properties of baking powder help reduce bacterial plaques that cause tooth decay and gum disease, while its mild abrasive quality helps remove light staining. Therefore, many people will use baking soda as a natural toothpaste. There is some concern, however, that baking soda can be too abrasive for everyday use (although there are plenty of people who swear by it). But even using it from time to time to help polish and whiten teeth is simple and effective. Mix a little baking soda with a few drops of water to make a thick paste, wet brush, coat teeth with paste, cover with paste, brush gently, and rinse well.

4) Remove stretch marks.

stretch marks happen when your skin changes shape rapidly due to growth or weight gain. Both men and women can get stretch marks. Whether it's due to pregnancy or sudden weight gain.Since baking soda is a natural exfoliant, it removes dead skin cells. The mixture of baking soda and lemon juice has proven to be an effective and quick way to remove stretch marks.Regular massage with this mixture will make your body's tissues regenerate faster.  Mix 3 tbsp baking soda with the juice of half a lemon. Massage the affected areas.

5) Treat Insect Bites and Itchy Skin

You might have seen someone rubbing toothpaste on an insect bite, and you are wondering why That is because the baking soda inside treats and reduces itching. Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a base, so it helps counteract the acidity of the reaction between your body and the mosquito saliva. Thereby helping the body to neutralize the reaction and keep it from spreading and irritating,

Make a paste out of baking soda and water and apply to the insect bite. A baking soda paste can help loosen the stinger from bee stings and can also be used as a salve to treat poison ivy rash. To ease the itching, rub baking soda onto damp skin after a shower.

6) Treat Sunburn.

Baking soda works for burns because it can help balance the pH levels in your skin. pH is a scale used to specify how acidic or basic a water-based solution is. When those levels are balanced. According to WebMD, baking soda contains properties that can help soothe the redness that’s caused by itching and the stinging sensation caused by sunburn. There are many over-the-counter products that include baking soda. But you can make your paste out of baking soda, or take a bath and add it to the water. Mix baking soda with just enough water to form a paste and apply to the affected area, then rinse. Or, sprinkle some in a cool bath and soak.

Facial scrub

Freshen your mouth 

7) Removes Carpet Stains:

If you have pets, you may find that smells cling to the carpet. Give carpets a refresher with simple, basic baking soda. Baking soda can deodorize your carpet and neutralize odors. 

According to an article published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine, when you combine baking soda and vinegar, it creates a compound called carbon acid. This ingredient is common in cleaning products. Together, they create a fizzing sensation that seeps into the carpet and removes the stains.

Grab a box of baking soda and sprinkle it liberally over your carpets. Allow the baking soda to sit as long as you can. Leave it overnight for maximum power. Once you’re ready, vacuum up the baking soda as best you can. You’ll find that your carpet feels completely new, and smells are gone.

8) Unblock your kitchen sink

Pour half a cup of baking soda down your sink followed by two cups of vinegar (malt is fine) and watch as the alkaline in the bicarb reacts with the acidic vinegar to create a volcano of froth. Leave to settle and it should help dissolve any built-up grime.

If your sink needs extra help, mix 1 cup of bicarbonate of soda with 2 cups of washing powder (great for de-greasing) then follow with vinegar. Finish with a kettle-full of boiling water.

Author: Bobe Nkwain Chiambah