WHAT HAPPENS TO YOUR BODY WHEN YOU EAT WATERMELON DAILY   What happens to your body when you include watermelon every day in your diet for good living Watermelon is one of the best fruits everyone nes to consume daily because of its high and beneficial properties and qualities as well as its healing properties Watermelon healing properties covers everything from the brain functions to the cells of our feet Eating watermelon also decreases the body’s weight, body mass index,...
    By FRUITY LIFESTYLE 2023-10-26 13:56:12 3 313
    Origin of Ankara Fabrics
    Ankara wax popularly known for its representation of Africa. African wax prints, Dutch wax prints or Ankara, are omnipresent and common materials for clothing in West Africa and Central Africa. They were introduced to West and Central Africans by Dutch merchants during the 19th century, who took inspiration from native Indonesian technique and Akwete cloth designs.They began to adapt their designs and colours to suit the tastes of the African market. They are industrially produced colourful...
    By CULTURE IN DIVERSITY 2023-10-25 08:38:13 0 398
    Three sets of people you must meet in life
    THREE SETS OF PEOPLE YOU MUST MEET IN LIFE In your journey to break the hard grounds of life, there are three categories of people you are bound to meet in life. Take note:  1.PEOPLE YOU MEET FOR A SEASON.  These sets of people are brought into your life by seasons and phases of life for a definite purpose in time. And once they are done, they are gone. Don’t force seasonal people to stay in your life permanently, else they will worsen your hard grounds. Be wise to know...
    By siduan 2023-10-24 05:57:26 3 361
    What happened after Valéry Giscard d'Estaing slept with Bokassa's(Former President of the Central African Republic) wife
    Jean-Bédel Bokassa and wife(Catherine Denguiadé) I'm going to tell you a creepy story oscillating between sex, power and murder. It's a hidden story you won't find anywhere else. A secret story.February 6, 1980, President Ahmadou Ahidjo of Cameroon went discreetly to Ngaoundéré to receive in secret from all eyes René Journiac, a great advisor for African affairs of French President Valéry Giscard d'Estaing. Ahmadou Ahidjo spots the plane carrying...
    By jonileke 2023-10-18 09:05:52 0 404
    Faces behind the clerical
    t talks about the pitfalls of young clergy using the social media to build popularity. Humans do have certain bad habits that they didn't succeed to shred while in training. Having sampled a few cases, we have assembled a few of them: -Insensitivity to the plight of the down trodden; - gluttony - backbiting. While backbiting is generally considered saying things, mostly about people, which we cannot conviniently own up to, in public. This phenomenon seems to be on the increase, with the rise...
    By Mess it up 2023-10-17 13:36:08 0 387
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