Monetization Program Policy

We have made it very easy for all our users to be able to monetize their content and their time spent on ConnectYu by providing them with many easy monetization options:

• Beads Earning

• Content Monetization

 Dash Cowries

 Affiliate Programur 

Wallet Transfers




Live Stream Advertising

• Pay per view

• more


Note that when you start using any of our monetization features or programs, you agree to all the conditions stated in this Monetisation Program policy and our community guideline.

We reserve the right to change or modify any part of this Monetisation Program policy at any given time and will do our best to notify all users who are eligible for our Monetisation Program through site notifications, direct messaging on ConnectYu, or email. Make sure to visit this page from time to time for any changes. 


Eligibility for Withdrawal

When you register and verify your account on ConnectYu, you automatically become eligible for our monetization program and you can start earning.

To maximize your earnings on ConnectYu, you must upgrade to a pro user by purchasing a Pro Package here;

Before you apply for your wallet withdrawal on ConnectYu, you must make sure that you are eligible (have met all the withdrawal requirements stated below):


Withdrawal Requirements:

1. You must be a verified user of ConnectYu, that is, you must have a verification badge.

2. You must have reached your minimum withdrawal limit.

3. You must be an African

4. You must have an active verified connectPay account: All your cowries are paid into your ConnectPay account where you can easily cash out the equivalent through MTN Mobile Money, Orange Mobile Money, PayPal, Debit Cards, Bank Transfer, Payoneer, flutterwave, etc. In this case, your ConnectPay email is required.

Note that ConnectPay Wallet is the main wallet that can convert your Cowries to your local currency, the creation and verification of your ConnectPay account is easy and done only once. This account will remain valid for as long as you keep the account active. This means you will never have to go through this process again whenever you apply for any subsequent withdrawals, provided your ConnectPay account is active, but if you deactivate your ConnectPay account for any reason, you will be required to create it all over again.  

5. Must not have any violation of any part of our community guidelines.

All violation notices or warnings are sent directly to you as a Direct message by “Bobe” on ConnectYu, so make sure to always check and read all your direct messages


How To Get Verified On ConnectYu:

When your account is successfully verified on ConnectYu, you get a verification badge, which can be seen beside your profile picture on ConnectYu. There are two main ways you can get your account verified on ConnectYu:

1. Purchasing either a VIP or an Ultima Pro Package (valid for the same period the respective pro package will last)

2. Manual Verification (NOT AVAILABLE NOW): You can apply for verification in your settings section. For this verification process to be successful;

a. You must be an active user on ConnectYu; that is, your account must be active within a month.

b. You must complete your profile by filling in all the right information as required.

c. You must submit to us all the documents and information correctly as required by the verification form.

d. The information you submit to us for your verification must match that on your profile, for example; your profile picture, your Name, and address.

e. Your profile must be linked to at least one social media platform you are already active on.

f. You must respect and abide by all our community guidelines.



When you apply for a withdrawal on ConnectYu, your funds (Cowries) are sent to your ConnectPay account, where you can easily cash out.

Make sure to double-check and ensure that your ConnectPay email is exactly the email you used in creating your ConnectPay account.

If your funds (Cowries) are not sent to your ConnectPay account within 48 hours of applying, contact the Admin "Bobe" on ConnectYu or send an email to


When your account is inactive on ConnectYu for a month or more, you will risk losing all your monetization earnings. If you want to keep benefiting from our monetization program, make sure your account is always active within the month. This is to ensure we have only active users on the ConnectYu Platform.

When your account is inactive on ConnectYu for 3 months or more, you may risk deletion of the account and when your account is deleted, all your data is deleted alongside. In this case, we are not to be held responsible for any data loss you experienced in this situation.



Abusing any feature of the ConnectYu Products or any part of our policy and community guidelines may lead to a suspension, termination, or the deletion of your account(s) on the ConnectYu Products with no notification. Make sure to read and understand our Terms and Community Guidelines before you start using ConnectYu.

Last Updated: September 09, 2023