40 virtues of honey...
    1_ Honey is an antibacterial  2_ It is a powerful antifungal. 3_ It alkalizes the body's pH. 4_ It is a source of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants.  5_ It strengthens immunity. 6_ Drinking hot water with lemon and honey on an empty stomach accelerates weight loss.  7_ Honey contains more calories than sugar, but when consumed with hot water, it helps digest fats stored in your body.  8_ It promotes the proliferation of good bacteria in the intestine. 9_ It stimulates...
    By De Prodigy 2023-10-03 21:11:44 0 458
    Daddy's advice to his little girl.
    "If you want to live a long and happy life, listen and practice these tips", He said: 1. Listen and don't believe everything you are told. 2. Keep secrets, don't tell what you hear. 3. Don't say everything you think, but always tell the truth. 4. Be honest, deserve respect. 5. Admit your mistakes and don't be afraid to say "I don't know" and "I'm sorry." 6. Never lose control of yourself and treat others the way you would like to be treated. 7. Rather than criticize, praise those around you....
    By julie 2023-09-22 18:52:39 0 527
    Benefits of Okra.
    A pittance reserved for black slaves in the United States, okra is considered a food reserved for the poor. Depending on the region, it is eaten in soup, sauce, salad, etc. But, this is without knowing the nutritional and medicinal virtues with which nature providence has provided this dark green vegetable with firm skin and covered with silky down. SOME USES OF OKRA It has been discovered that this food, having a high concentration of vitamin "A", is extremely beneficial in strengthening the...
    By De Prodigy 2023-09-21 08:16:40 0 505
    The road to adventure
    I am MAYER FONING when they talk to me about the road of adventure, it was so easy while it is hell on earth, I strongly advise Cameroonians on the road of adventure because when you start, the retreat becomes difficult, we left Cameroon on March 7, 2023, for the LYBIA, here is our route: the car to GAROUA, when we drop you there, the motorcycles take you to the 1st village in NIGERIA, borrowing a whole LABYRINTH, once you get there, the small cars take you to YOLA (3days on site) to JOSS...
    By fozoholiver 2023-09-19 07:57:41 0 513
    Welcome to CMTV news, a place where where future billionaires come to get inspired. Almost everybody knows who Akon is and although his passed was used to predict his future, he have to give it to him for the hard work his put in to maximize his impact in AFRICA and world. There are probably a few things you know about Akon and so many thing you definitely do not know about him yet. Today, we are bringing to you those few things you do not know about singer Akon....
    By Online Biz Academy 2023-09-14 13:13:10 1 569
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