Did you know; the money producing factory is not the BEAC or Central Bank but your MIND? Have you ever wondered why you are not yet rich or richer despite all the work you do? I had asked myself this question a couple of times. What will make you richer than you are now, depends on the actions you put in place today. In today’s world, you realize a whole lot of people want to be rich but few take the actions that attract money. If you follow through this article, I will reveal to you some 10 habits that will not hurt to quite from if you wish to escape the poverty circle.

1. Gambling 
There is no shortcut to wealth. There is a common saying “no pain no gain”. To be successful, you need to work your way in to success. The poor do not understand this, they think they can take a shortcut to make money so, they tend to gamble. To find your way out of poverty, you must have realistic goals and plans to accomplish them. There is no shortcut to becoming rich. The more you spend on gambling the poorer and frustrated you become.

2. Watching too much TV
There is time for everything. If you must find yourself out of poverty you must understand this. You cannot be at your development stage and value fun and relaxation more than hard work. Avoid putting the cart before the horse. Have priorities in your life. No rich person spent hours watch tv and became rich. If you must relax, do the necessary. Work hard, develop yourself, invest your money get passive income streams and then let your money work for you. 

3. Negative thinking 
You are made up of what you think. What you store in your mind either consciously or unconsciously, is what you produce. The type of ideas you have in your mind about money is what will determine whether you will be rich or not. You are probably thinking now that “I think money is good and why am I not yet rich with all the work I do?” okay! You think money is good but what has your mind recorded? When you were a child what did you record about money? Your thoughts about somethings in life are built from childhood experiences. Now that you are all grown up you want to start thinking differently but your subconscious mind has something different. Thus you pick up a task and you realize you quickly give up or, you limit your value to just a few people. Do you know why? “It is because your mind has recorded that to have much money is a sin”. As a result, anything you say about money again is not important and will not last long. Thus, for change to be effective it has to start from the mind.

4. Spending more than you make.      Poor people tend to model the rich in a negative way. You cannot want to look like Rhianna when you do not earn like her. If you must dress classy, work hard, and learn to work smart by allowing your money do the hard work for you. If you must know, expenses will arise in direct proportion to income. 

5. Sticking to your comfort zone.          Our dreams lift us high into the heavens where we can get divine ideas but, our goals bring us down to earth where we can make the dream a reality. No one in the world will notice when you are in your comfort zone. You cannot become the millionaire you want by just doing things your way. If your way was productive then you would not be where you are. How then do I get out of this you may ask; First, get up very early in the morning say 4:00am

Do something you that is beneficial to you that you do not like doing first thing in the morning
Challenge yourself to pick up daily task that cause to stretch a little. Act in spite of fear and stereotypes 
Draw a work ethic and strictly follow it
Be relentless in your approach towards success

6. Procrastinating 
The eyes normally fear work. Learn to act in spite of fear. Those who have been able to escape the poverty circle did not do that by just wasting around. They were equally fearful. But everything changed the moment they decided to act in spite of fear. If they could why not you? Action is very important because it is the bridge between the inner and outer world. There is nothing as a lucky person. Anyone you see lucky out there took some action that turned that table for them. 

7. Keeping unproductive friends 
The company you keep will determine how much you will grow in life. To keep a friend that is able to help you grow is better than keeping a bunch who will help you waste time. Have you ever asked yourself why the richest people in the world are not your friends? Or why the richest people in your locality are not your friend but there are people in that community who are friends with them? It is because they choose to mingle with those who help them or they can help to success. Do you desire growth? Find great men who can help you grow, develop a healthy self-esteem.

8. Not monitoring your success
Man is not an island. To succeed you will need to get opinions from other people so you evaluate how your business is performing. You cannot be a business person and you do not see the need to get feedback from your customers. This is quite different from what people say about you in that, you are the one who most times in this case ask questions or you select from the bunch of things people say those which you know when worked on will improve your business. You cannot be in the world and not be criticized. Always learn to hear what people say about your business, whether criticisms or not and see how to improve your services and or products.

9. Adapting to what people say about you
There is this common saying “people must talk”. Yes, it is very true in the world we live in. but it is your choice whether to allow the talks pull you down or encourage you to work more. Even the good book says what people say about you should not be your business. Do you know the key to your success is to raise your own energy and people will naturally be attracted to you? Yes! That is what matters when you are building people will laugh, throw insults but let them not drain you but motivate you to build till completion. Leaving your work midway because of criticisms will rather make you a coward 

10. Indiscipline
Wealth is not just a financial something but character and mind. If you train yourself to become a successful person in strength of character and mind, you will become successful at whatever you do. If you must find yourself out of the poverty circle, you must discipline yourself. You should learn to do the right thing, at the right time and at the right place. The reason why you are still where you are because you have not disciplined yourself. Have you ever imagined how your life will be if you had your activities planned? 
The importance of discipline and hard work cannot be overemphasized. There is no shortcut to success. Everyone one person you see succeeding out there took some action. By quitting from these habits not only will you experience a boom in finances, other aspects of your life will get better. If you will have more of such content, come back next week, same time and day. 

Author: Bobe Nkwain Chiambah