Have you ever looked at a rich person and asked: what are they doing that puts them in a better position than me? If there is one secret to progress I have learned, it is learning not to always do things your way. In this article, you will be exposed to some 15 things the rich do that keep them above the poor and middle class people.

  1. Rich people see opportunities, poor people see obstacles
    In today’s world, many people complain of the inadequacy of jobs. And when you tend to provide them with one, you hear excuses as; I don’t have the skills to take up that job and then they stay behind. When such an opportunity is presented to rich person, he/she sees the need to acquire the skill and then grabs the job. If you must become rich, you will have to quite complaining. 
  2. The rich are good receivers but the poor are not
    If there is a man to give there is another to receive. There is joy in giving. Thus, if you are not willing to receive, you tend to rip off those who want to give you. How do you receive resources you may ask? When you find great mean who can help you grow; change and wear a positive attitude, practice smiling, honor and respect people, develop a healthy self-esteem and do not be moved by the opinions of others. 
  3. Rich people manage money well, the poor mismanage money well
    How well you manage your money will determine how successful you will be. Until you are able to manage what you have, you cannot be given more. The rich often manage their money by creating different accounts for different purposes. The accounts can look like this; one for investments, savings, leisure, necessities, education, charity… in each of these accounts you get to allocate a specific percentage. To be financial viable, you should not depend on what you have as a paycheck, but what you do with. Rich people are those who are able to control money and not have money control them. Working hard alone will not make you rich, learn to work smart. 
  4. The rich take responsibility for their action; the poor do not
    Believe that you create your life. The first step to growth is to accept your flaws and work towards changing. But, poor people do not understand this yet. For everything that happens to them, they get to complain, blame and justify. They never really see the positive side of anything. As a result, they cannot grow. To be rich, you will have to create a problem solving mind and not have to always justify to stay at the right end. 
  5. Rich people have priorities the poor do not
    Life should not just happen to you. If those you term rich are able to succeed, it is because they are able to put their priorities in place. But the poor have misplaced priorities. They are always comfortable with what life throws at them and see no need to change it. You will commonly hear poor people say “what is meant to be will be”. But it may surprise you to know that, the forces of the universe work only on what you have planned. If you do not work for that which you think is meant to be it will never be. That is why even the good book says, I will bless the works of your hands. The rich understand this so they plan their life and go for what they want. If you must be successful, you should have clear cut goals to avoid confusing the universe.
  6. The rich think both; the poor think either, or
    When faced with challenging situations, create habits to handle both and not choose to deal with one leaving the other. Let’s take this scenario. You have FCFA 5,000 and you want a particular pair of shoes and a purse which amounts to FCFA 7,000, what do you do? A poor person will decide to buy one first, then save up to buy the other. Contrarily, a rich person will look for an opportunity to invest that money somewhere lucrative, so it can multiply and then gets the shoes and purse without having to work extra. 
  7. Rich people are committed to being rich but the poor just wish to be rich
    To be wealthy is not by chance as some people think. Ask many people if they want to be rich, the number of yes will be overwhelming. Then ask them if they are ready to work to be rich and you will be surprised at the number of responses you will get. 
    This is to say, while the rich are so focused on gaining the necessary skills to be able to add value in the job market, the poor are busy looking for a job where they will be accepted based on their university or high school degrees. If you must be rich you should learn to rebrand yourself daily to give you more value in the market place.
  8. The rich think big while the poor think small
    The law of income states: you will be paid in direct proportion to the amount of value you add in the market place. Today, you will see a youth wanting to teach people a skill; say digital marketing in an enclosed WhatsApp group but wants to limit the class to 20 students why is that? Don’t you think the more people you reach the more value you give and the more money you make?
  9. A rich person will think in that like given that, he/she knows the amount of value he/she is giving. But a poor person will want to start with a smaller number. Why? Because they fear they might fail, they think they are small, unworthy, they feel they are not good or worthy enough. 
    If you must be rich, then you will have to start thinking big and give yourself more esteem. 
  10. The rich sell themselves while the poor do not
    Advertise yourself. If you do not do that nobody will do it for you. Be willing to promote yourself with everything within your power. Every business depends on selling and this is what the rich have understood and are practicing. 
    Isn’t it funny that you know how to do makeup in your locality but no one knows about you? I do not know who told poor people that it is a sin to promote oneself. But, if you must succeed in today’s world, then you must be proud of what you do and be ready to tell whoever cares to listen about it. 
  11. Rich people carefully pick their friends the poor do not
    There is this saying; show me your friend and I will tell you who you are. Isn’t it surprising that that poor who most times claim to be godly than others have not understood this? It is simple! if you find yourself in a group of successful people, you will equally be successful because you will be motivated to work. The rich have understood that your network determines your net worth so, they surround themselves with people who can push them to do better. 
    On the contrary, the poor despise those who are more viable than them. Rather they surround themselves with those who reason like them and do things like them. Thus, no improvement. If you must be successful, you must learn to disassociate yourself from negative energy and get closer to those who can push you do better. 
  12. The rich admire successful people, the poor don’t 
    Always appreciate good things when you see them. You cannot despise a rich person and you expect to be rich! Your opinion about someone’s wealth or life makes no difference to their happiness and wealth but, it does affects your happiness and wealth. Therefore, to have wealth according to the Huna Philosophy, “Bless that which you want”. This is what the rich do but the poor do not… if you must have something good, learn to appreciate good things on people when you see them. Instead of mocking rich people, model them. Instead of shying away from rich people, get to know them. Instead of saying they are special, say; if they can do it, I can do it and get to work. 
  13. The rich prefer to be paid on results the poor prefer to be paid based on time
    To get rich, you will need to be paid based on your results and not time. Yes, there is nothing wrong with a steady pay check. But once it limits you from earning what you are worth, you can never get rich. Because rich people understand their potential and what they are worth, they go in for jobs where they have the power to work on their potential and then are paid based on their results. The poor on the other hand, especially those who operate under the philosophy of “go to school, get good grades and a degree” tend to want jobs where they will be paid based on the time they have spent on it. The reason the poor act this way is firstly because; they did not add high income skills to their degrees, they are not confident and they are scared of testing their value in the market place.  If you must be rich, start seeing the need to gain skills that will make you invaluable in the market place. 
  14.  The rich have positive confessions while the poor do not
    Life does not just happen to you. Examine! what were your prayers some years back? Probably you are living in them now right? That is the power of confession. Most times when life seems tough for a poor person, he/she tends to curse himself. You start getting comments like; what kind of ill luck is this? I can never make it no matter how hard I try? Life is not fair and the list continues. These confessions get in to your subconscious mind and you realize no matter what you do you quickly get bored and discouraged. 
    Contrarily, a rich person will react with positive confessions like, where did I go wrong, what can I do to fix it, what did I do that I wasn’t supposed to… questions as these trigger the rich to think, correct their errors and become more productive. Mind you, words are powerful avoid speaking evil to yourself if you must be successful.
  15. Rich people play the money game to win. The poor play not to lose In looking for money, avoid staying at the defensive end. Rather, play from the offensive end. Your reason for looking for money is what you will get. If it is for security and comfort that is what you will get. If it is for creating wealth that is what you will get. Mind you, what you focus on is what expands. The rich have learnt to focus on wealth creation where they will no longer need to stress themselves out when it comes to finances and in turn, they get security and comfort. But the poor focus on security and comfort thereby, having to stress more with finances. If you must be rich, focus on wealth creation, security and comfort will come when that is intact.

Rich people make their money work for them; poor people work hard for their money
Hard work alone cannot make you rich. The poor think to be rich you need to work hard every day but for the rich, they know to work hard is important but not permanent. They work hard and then allow their money to work hard for them. Let us look at this example, there are people who get up every day and stress themselves with all sorts of work right? Are they rich? No! but there are others who spend time relaxing and getting whatever they want. Are they rich? Yes! Their money is working for them. They have studied investment opportunities and invested in those they understand. Some have invested in real estates and lots more. The problem with the poor is that, what evert they do not understand they tend to term it a scam. If you must be successful, there is an urgent need for you to learn how to work smart besides working hard.
Now that you’ve been exposed to secrets that can change your life, where do you start? Anyone can talk, a few take the patience to read just as you’ve done. But, just reading will not bring the change you seek. Reading is a good start; add actions to the knowledge you’ve acquired to get the desired results. If you found this article helpful, like, subscribe and share.

Author: Bobe Nkwain Chiambah